The 25th of Elul
The Creation of the World
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Many people erroneously believe that Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the day the world was
created. In fact, it falls on the day that man was created which was on
the last of the six days of creation. The creation of the world,
therefore, took place six days earlier, which corresponds to the Hebrew
date of the twenty-fifth of Elul.
It says in Leshon Hakhamin, that the twenty-fifth of Elul, must be sanctified by
us. One should light five candles at night for Qabbalistic reasons.
They may be lit by the husband or the wife. As on other special days,
one should not fast on this day but, rather, should eat meals with
bread and Birkath Hammazon, with meat and desserts.
Anger is considered to be a very bad trait, and one should be
particular to overcome it at all times. On Rosh Hashanah, we must make
every effort not to get angry at all. Similarly, one should take care
not to get angry on the twenty-fifth of Elul. And as part of
sanctifying this day, we should increase the amount of charity we give.
There all also several prayers that may be recited which may be found in Leshon Hakhamim.
(See Leshon Hakhamim, end of Heleq Aleph, Limmud BeKaf Heh BeElul)